We're a traditional art multiverse webcomic taking place in different ages and scenarios with a common denominator: the two main characters. Even typical stories like mermaids and pirates meeting could've got a different development. Currently publishing Teal Sail: piracy in Guangdong, 1781, and Yellow Wars: mafias in San Francisco, 1925.
Teal SAil

An Hindu-origin pirate meets a Chinese merman in Guangdong during the Chinese piracy golden era in 1781. Everything could be just a topic, but they're all but common people!What would a pirate do if a dark legend spread throughout the port, about a creature that rips off faces and eats souls with its beauty and soft voice, reached his ears while he’s carrying more wine than blood in his veins? Go and check it out by himself, of course. But what could’ve ended in disaster turns into a cultural exchange between a curious corsair and an even more curious merman, in equal parts puzzled and fascinated with each other. The beginning of a close friendship as unlikely as dangerous for both of them, on a stage full of hungry pirates, abyssal creatures, vengeful crabs and mysterious magic throughout the South China Sea where they’ll be forced to save each other’s bacon.
Yellow Wars

San Francisco, 1925; a Chinese Tong murderer and Gypsy-Irish bully, members of rival gangs but not that enemies to each other.During Prohibition, bootlegging, gambling, prostitution and arms smuggling thrive in San Francisco’s underworld. Gangs of all kind fight over the city’s control; the Chinese tongs, the Italian famiglia and the so-called New Americans. But rivalry’s not an obstacle for two young mobsters to reach a secret arrangement on their own, playing a dangerous game ignoring the black conspiracy scenario, murdering and dark magic that’s falling on them.
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